Matotoland Jesse

Jesse is starting to show some style and she has proved she can hold the birds. Today she held these two birds while I was walking from at least 100m away - the next step would be to get her steady on shot!

Honorary Post for Biscuit

This will be the last photo  and post of Biscuit - our 14 year old German Shorthaired Pointer. We had to have put down today, sad ....... He served me well hunting birds and tracking wounded animals. Biscuit had a good track record -  only ever one Blue Wildebeast not found. He once tracked a wounded Impala and ended up in a old cement dam, waiting with the Impala for 3 days whilst we searched frantically for him. He sat proud next to the dead Impala when we arrived  - I was crying with joy; today tears of sadness saying goodbye.

Matotoland Kennel - Dixie & Dollar

Dixie backing Dollar on some Quail. This last cold front really made scenting tuff. It was so bad I thought my dogs had lost complete ability to find birds.

Wildrose German Shorthairs

There Goes My Last Dollar - Dixie

Dixie showing she has got what it takes to become a great hunting companion.

Wildrose German Shorthairs