Wildrose There Goes My Last Dollar

Dollar has adapted so well from his arrival from Texas USA.

He now knows most our birds and finds them well, he backs well, respecting others if they find the birds first.

He also has proven himself in retrieving, he has not only chased down a winged geese, but also did a 200m retrieve and brought it back alive !

He has done numerous water retrieves on duck hunts and proved himself finding winged birds in the reeds.

Dollar now earned his respect, as a South African HPR dog, well done Dollar !

Matotoland Kennel Mid Morning Tee

Here we have a classic photo, Matotoland Francois and next to his head, Matotoland Jesse, left under his arm Wildrose Dollar(imp u.s.a) right flank Matotoland Patrys, all having a well earned nap.

Boot Camps are not easy !

Matotoland Family photo

Here we have on a boot camp photo : L/R

Matotoland Patrys(Daughter)
Morgenzon Temic(Dad)
Matotoland Jesse( Daughter) and
Morgenzon Bullet

Matotoland's Bullet

Morgenzon Bullet doing a long distance water mud and reed retrieve, having the fence to contend with to get back to the vehicle.

Matotoland Patrys

Patrys working Red wing, she manages very well when scenting is bad. Patrys slows down when working birds and pays off well against the faster dogs that run over birds.

Patrys is showing the boys up today, but we don't know what
tomorrow brings.