Morgenzon Bullet on point

Bullet tracking birds after a long wait for the gunner ...

Morgenzon Bullet working another covey

Bullet retreiving to Christiaan the gunner

Bullet bringing and giving the gunner the bird that was shot, to hand.

Morgebzon Bullet on !!!!!!!

Bullet holding the point whilst waiting for the gunner.

Morgenzon Gobi en Morgenzon Temic

Well done Gobi 1st Derby Stake in the Cape Trials 2010

GSP WCFTC HPR trials in the rain 2010

We still don't know what was the worst the cold or the rain ...

Choke Chain the Gang, Snatch and not backing at the end

Some waiting other watching the artificial retrieve Cape Trials 2010

Jacob(snatch) John(choke chain) with the champ Amber

Well done Amber and John winning Cape Trials Open Stake 2010

Halfway Cape Trials Jacob holding the Transvaal race horses

Start long drive to Grayton only 1800km

Getting all the Barnard's in isn’t easy ....

Day One Cape HPR Trials